Category Archives: Brick Disposal

A Comprehensive Guide to Recycling Bricks

bricks recycling

Bricks are one of the oldest and the most traditional construction materials available. Considered to be an integral part of all types of construction, bricks have been around for a long time. The long-lasting popularity of bricks can be attributed to its natural content-clay. Though there are other materials infused in the bricks, it is mostly the natural constituents that stand out, allowing these to meet the sustainability standards.

There are various types of bricks available which can be classified based on their size, color, texture, origin, base materials used and the process of their formation. These are available and used in abundance and contribute to a large percentage of construction waste. Rather than disposing it off into the landfill, bricks can be easily recycled and reused for other construction projects. Here are two very significant reasons that state why bricks should be recycled.

Apart from the large quantity of clay used to make bricks, mining shale and other costly raw materials are used in bricks as well. These materials can be used again, as it will not only cut down on mining but also save money. This makes it a win-win situation for everyone.

Rather than using a landfill dump for bricks disposal, it is a better and a more sustainable option to recycle these. This will help save a large amount of space in landfills.

Thus, this proves the point why bricks should be recycled. Now let’s take a look at how bricks are recycled.

To recycle bricks, arrangements must be made beforehand. They can be used for different purposes. Hence, you have to be prepared.
Bricks can be chapped and used in landscapes.
These can be crushed finely, which can be further used to replace sand.
Finely crushed bricks can also be used for the construction of other bricks.
The cheap versions of bricks can be used only for grinding and manufacturing new bricks.

Bricks have a limitless potential and can be used again and again. Hire Adelaide bins service providers who install bins that collect the bricks and deal with these effectively. The service providers charge a nominal amount to complete the recycling process. You can visit their website and seek their services today.

Contact Adelaide Eco Bins today to find out about our commercial rubbish removal in Adelaide Metropolitan areas today by phoning 08 8280 6533 or alternative send as an email and one of our friendly staff members will get back to you as soon as possible.

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