Category Archives: Cardboard Recycling

The Issues with Cardboard That No One is Talking About!

cardboard and paper recycling

Cardboard and paper waste is one of the pressing concerns of environmentalists, and many people fail to see why. The reasons for this conspicuous questioning is obvious: cardboard is made of paper and that makes it biodegradable. Then how is it harming the environment so much?

Ok. There are a couple of ways in which cardboard pollution is affecting the ecosystem and the only way to tackle it efficiently is to get your cardboard recycling done by a professional waste management company! But for now, let’s take a look at what threat cardboard poses to the eco system!

1. The numbers are increasing

Cardboard usage has increased many folds over the years. From being used primarily in the commercial industry, it has become an indispensable part of house hold waste. Today, men and women alike buy a lot of their things online – from groceries to their entire wardrobe collection – and all of this brings the demand of cardboard manufacturing up.

2. The Paper Industry is Polluting

Paper mills are one of the most polluting industries in the world and leave behind large traces of chemical wastes that are used to treat wood pulp and the final product – paper. The high usage of chlorine in this industry has made it one of the most harmful influences in the environment and its release often pollutes the river and marine ecosystem, accumulating within the various flora and fauna there, through bio magnification.

3. Recycling is becoming difficult

When it comes to recycling cardboard in the volume that is being produced and used, it becomes a humongous task. Also, the contents of the recycled produce have started changing color into a more brownish tinge from before – the greyish tinge was the predecessor, because previously paper waste only revolved around news papers and magazines.

4. In-Proper Management

The thing about waste management is that if it is not carried forward properly, then things become really difficult to control later. Cardboard wastes are also placed in land fill, but it is not a great option for it. The lack of proper management of this type of waste has the environment suffering immensely and that is exactly why people should hire commercial waste management services to deal with cardboard waste produce.

These are the 4 ways in which cardboard affects our environment and it is very important that we take responsibility of the fact and try to make some changes. For starters, using other forms of packaging by online merchandise delivery companies would make a great head start to the cause. On the other hand, one should make sure that their household cardboard waste is always managed and treated by professional companies, so that it does not leave anymore footprints in the environment.

Contact Adelaide Eco Bins today to find out about our commercial rubbish removal in Adelaide Metropolitan areas today by phoning 08 8280 6533 or alternative send as an email and one of our friendly staff members will get back to you as soon as possible.

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