Category Archives: E-Waste Recycling

Importance Of Recycling e-Waste You Need To Know About

The explosive growth in the electronics industry has led to a rapidly escalating issue of  e-waste. In landfills or primitive recycling operations, toxic materials can be released from old electronic devices into the environment which can cause irreversible damage.

Therefore, it is important for you to get in touch with one of the popular agencies of electronic waste recycling Adelaide. Meanwhile read on to find out more about the importance of the recycling e-waste in the blog below.

electronic waste recycling Adelaide

Rich source of raw materials

Internationally, only 10 to 15 % of gold in e-waste is recovered while the rest is lost. Electronic waste contains deposits of precious metal estimated to be between 40 to 50 times richer than ores mined from the earth.

Solid waste management

Due to the explosion of growth in the electronics industry, combined with the short product life cycle has led to a rapid escalation in the generation of solid waste.

Toxic materials

Since old electronic devices consists of toxic substances such as led, mercury, cadmium and chromium, proper processing is essential to ensure that these materials are not released into the environment. They may also contain other heavy metals and potentially toxic chemical flame retardants.

Transportation of hazardous e-waste

The uncontrolled transportation of e-waste to countries where frugal labor and primitive approaches to recycling have resulted in health risks to local citizens. Therefore, it is important to recycle e-waste as it will not only prevent the transportation of waste to other countries but will also promote proper recycling which will be beneficial for the planet as well.

Therefore, if you wish to recycle e-waste responsibly make sure to get in touch with one of the popular agencies of e-waste recycling Adelaide. All you need to do is contact the help team and they will give you great service and advice regarding your workplace waste .

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PO Box 849
10 Angle Vale Crescent BURTON SA 5110
Phone number (08) 8280 6533
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Posted by on November 26, 2019 in E-Waste Recycling


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Get Rid of Your E-Waste: A Quick Guide

Tragic news about the site moderator.

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Posted by on July 5, 2019 in E-Waste Recycling


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Follow the Expert Advised Tips to Manage and Reduce Electronic Waste

electronic waste recycling adelaide

Technology has been diversely affecting the ecology since years, and this has been impacting the lives of humans too. Our increasing reliance on electronics has led to a different lifestyle, and the harmful consequences, proving to be a threat to the ecosystem we are living in. From the exhausted rechargeable batteries or obsolete networking equipment or smartphones, a lot of e-waste is generated every day in the society, and we have become the silent onlookers. The heaps of e-waste contains some of the most harmful toxins to humans, and hence have become a hazardous reason to increase the risk of diseases apart from depleting the beauty of the environment.

Our steps to minimise e-waste helps to conserve resources and reduces the amount of energy we take from the earth. But sadly, neither people care nor are there the existence of any federal rules and regulations to combat this serious problem.

Hence, our contribution to manage and reduce electronic waste Adelaide would be a great help. Here are some tips to do so.

Buy environmental friendly devices

Before buying anything electronic to satiate your demands, make sure to check the details and only rely upon the environmental friendly devices. Thus, look for products labelled Energy Star or certified by the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT). This will ensure you that after throwing them off, they wouldn’t be that harmful to the eco system.

Revaluate and extend their life

You need to find out whether you would really need that extra gadget or not in daily life. Thu try finding one device with multiple functions. So that no wastage is incurred and you can prove yourself helpful to environment too. Also, limit buying them by extending their life. For this, you can buy a case, keep your device clean, and avoid overcharging the battery.

Sell or donate

Be it offline or online, you get a number of sources to sell or donate the electronic devices that you do not use and want to throw away. Search your area for a local schools, charities, or organisations that may want your old electronics and sell or give them away with proper documentation being done. This way, you can help people and also help the eco system by reducing e-waste.

Reuse the necessary ones

The device getting older doesn’t mean you have to throw it, you can reuse it by updating, upgrading and repairing it form the professionals. Easy improvements and attachments can turn the old device into something new, and improve them like a new product completely. Reconditioning the old electronic products is always a good idea.

Recycling is wise

Be it your office or home, you can always recycle the electronic wastes that might be hazardous to humans and environment once dumped into the landfill. You can call the leading waste management company to help you in green recycling programs and put your best foot forward in this work.
Thus, from scrap metal collection Adelaide services to recycling e-waste, the waste management companies help you throughout.


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Three Steps to Successfully Take Part in an E-Waste Recycling Program!


Although there is no such competition on how much energy and natural resources you can conserve, you can still do your best to keep the environment safe for you and your fellow beings. With the increasing number of electronic gadgets in our day-to-day life, it has become necessary to dispose of those which are no longer usable. Whether it is a damaged mobile phone or a broken tube light, if not disposed properly, these e-wastes can be hazardous for the environment inviting horrible diseases and disorders.

We have individual responsibilities towards making the earth a greener place. If you want to do your bit for the eco-system, here are e-waste recycling and management tips for you.

1) Choose More Energy Efficient Electronic Goods:

Are you an environment-conscious person? Using only organic products do not complete the task of being an eco-conscious individual. You should take the other areas into consideration when you want to save the world from prospective doom. For example, we all use electronic gadgets regularly but how many of us are actually aware of the energy conservation? Starts using more energy efficient gadgets that will not only help you save money but will also play a role in conserving the natural energy. You can also go for gadgets that use solar power. There are several companies that produce such gadgets. So, do your research and do your bit for the mother earth.

2) Contact Renowned Waste Management Companies For E-Waste Recycling:

If you are looking for electronic waste disposal, don’t hesitate to contact the top companies that offer electronic waste recycling services. So, keep your damaged laptops, mobiles, music systems, fluorescent light bulbs as well as the tiny ear phones for recycling and re-use. There are certain metals and chemicals used to make these electronic goods which can be hazardous when mixed with drinking water, soil or air. To prevent environmental pollution, start recycling those useless old gadgets with the help of the top waste management companies.

3) Grow Awareness Regarding E-Waste Management:

It is not enough to keep yourself well-informed about the downside of electronic wastes. To make yourself more useful to the eco-system, you should grow awareness about the electronic waste recycling and how it can benefit us. You can also join the e-waste management programs to know how you can make others more aware of how they can save the environment from e-waste hazards. The technology-driven generation is solely dependent on the electronic goods. Hence, it is really important to know about the proper way to dispose of the damaged electronic gadgets.

So, do your share of good work to save the environment from the continuous damage caused by the increasing level of pollution.

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Posted by on November 19, 2016 in E-Waste Recycling


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